Divorce Lawyer Tampa Florida

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Child Custody & Parental Relocation

Florida Child Custody and Relocating with a Minor Child

Child custody laws in Florida are specific with regards to parental relocation. Attorney Nilo J Sanchez & Associates are  seasoned Tampa child custody attorneys and understands the complexity of these types of cases.

Moving Vs Relocating Your Minor Children After a Florida Divorce

Changing your location in excess of 50 miles for at least 60 consecutive days from the principal residence listed on your current custody order requires the court’s permission. This applies even in situations of temporary absences that can occur such as extended vacations, healthcare provisions or educational purposes for your child.

Once a Final Judgment of Divorce has been entered or a Final Judgment of Paternity has been signed by a Florida Court, you are bound to the terms of your custody and parenting plans. Relocating with a minor child means you must prove to the courts that modifying your current timesharing and parenting plan will be in the best interest of the minor child or children.

Reasons to Relocate with a Minor Child in Florida

There are many reasons why a parent may wish to relocate with their minor child, including but not limited to employment changes. A parent who is wishing to relocate should not assume that they will be granted permission to relocate just by virtue of obtaining a job that offers more money or stability. The courts will look to a variety of factors prior to making a final decision. It will take an experienced Tampa Bay child custody and parental relocation lawyer to present your case to the courts. This is particularly true if the other party objects to your petition to relocate and you must obtain the court’s approval.

What if Both Parents Agree to Relocating with a Minor Child?

If possible, you can obtain written consent, it is still highly recommended to obtain the advice and approval from a child custody attorney prior to moving. The last thing you would want is to be held in contempt and be ordered to return to the location of your original final order should the signed agreement be considered invalid. Any written consent and agreement must still be approved and ratified by a judge prior to relocating.

Objecting to Parental Relocation

If you have been notified that your ex has filed a petition to relocate with a minor child and you object to the relocation, it will be highly beneficial to consult with a Tampa parental relocation attorney. These and other child custody cases can be highly contentious. Because the courts are to look to the best interest of the children, each party must present their case before the court in support of the factors that the judges look at. Thus, whether you are wishing to relocate with a minor child or you object to a petition to relocate with a minor child, a seasoned child custody attorney in Tampa will be beneficial to you. Understanding Florida Law with regards custody and timesharing is crucial in any type of Florida Child Custody case. Attorney Sanchez has over 24 years of experience representing clients in a variety of family law matters including relocating with minor children in Florida.

Consult with a Tampa Child Custody Attorney

In short, there are strict procedural requirements according to Florida Law in parental relocation cases. Going it alone in a parental relocation case can be very difficult and Attorney Nilo J Sanchez’s goal is to provide you with aggressive, knowledgeable representation while protecting your parental rights.

For more information or to schedule a consultation with a top child custody attorney in Tampa, please call 813-879-4600 today. 

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